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I'm looking around for topics to post, and am just noting here some of the local resources I've come across.

Sacramento Steps Forward - "SSF is the lead agency for Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC), which is the regional planning body that coordinates housing and services for homeless families and individuals in Sacramento."

City of Sacramento - City's efforts to address homelessness.

Office of Mayor Darrell Steinberg - Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement: Housing & Homelessness

Sacramento Homeless Union - Local chapter of National Union of the Homeless. "We are a 100% grassroots, community-funded, humanitarian group committed to providing equipment, clothing, and supplies to folks living on the streets in Sacramento, California."

Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee - "... mission is to amplify the voice of the homeless and low income community to accomplish economic and social justice."

Cottage Housing Inc. - "Cottage Housing, Inc. provides housing and services to those experiencing the crippling effects of homelessness and who are in desperate need of shelter and stability."

Sacramento Self Help Housing - "We help people who are homeless, in crisis, or have special needs to find stable, affordable housing. We have numerous programs for this purpose that includes permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, financial education, tenant-landlord helpline, housing counseling, and community development."

Homeless Court - Sacramento District Attorney. "With the support of the Sacramento Superior Court and the District Attorney, the Public Defender’s Office started a monthly legal clinic at Loaves and Fishes."


2020 has been a year of many changed plans and expectations. Family Promise Affiliates across the country spent the year adapting to a pandemic and increased need for services by finding innovative ways to serve families throughout this difficult year.

But one thing has remained constant through every up and down: the never ending support of our Family Promise community. Thank you for your dedication to Family Promise and our mission to prevent and end family homelessness.

Family Promise CEO, Claas Ehlers recorded a message to tell you what your support made possible this year and give you an update on where we are heading in 2021.


Family Promise of Sacramento wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Thank you for your continued support and donations to our families. #SacFamilyPromise #MerryChristmas #Thankyou #Donate #Supportnonprofit

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